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What are forest fires?

Forest fires are large uncontrollable moving combustion reactions (fires) that spread outward in a band from its ignition point leaving burned out forest behind it.  

How do forest fires start?

Forest fires, like any other fire need all three sides of the fire triangle; Oxygen, Fuel & Heat. Oxygen is readily available outdoors, fuel is also easily obtained through things such as branches & dry grass. 

The heat aspect of the fire triangle is introdued through one of two ways;

  • Human Caused

  • Nature Caused 

What are forest fires?
How do forest fires start?
Human Caused
Nature Caused

Most forest fires are caused by humans.

Ways humans cause fires:


Unattended Campfires

Discarded Cigarettes 




Nature caused forest fires only make up 42% of the total forest fires.

Ways nature causes fires:





When all three of these elements combine in a forest, it creates an uncontrollable fire. The fire is uncontrollable because of the nearly endless supply of oxygen and fuel.

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